Thursday, October 28, 2010

God's Warrior

during one of the Spiritual Exercises meditations.

My God, My God, my loving Christ,
I put my trust in you.

Direct me Oh Lord in the battle to come!
Fill my soul with a spirit of fire and zeal!

From afar I heard the sound of your call
and it echoed in my breast.
I hastened to your side,
though often tripped by obstacles and fears.

Behold, I stand before you now,
willing to serve you, to give you my life.
With joyful heart I take up sword and shield in thy service.

To the battle I will go singing joyfully,
a song of praise to you will be on my lips.
Your strength will be in my arm,
your light in my eyes.

The joy of battle is upon me!
I am eager for the contest!
Let my foes fly before me
when they see the Lord I serve!
Wailing they will despair,
turn their backs and flee.
In their flight I will surely cut them down,
they will feel the bite of my sword!

Tremble, you enemies of the Lord, you fools!
You have set yourself against on too strong,
you are outmatched by God in me!
Fight or flee- to me it matters not,
I will hunt you down.

When your arm grows weary in the battle,
when your legs grow weak in the retreat,
still you will find me tireless, fighting, pursuing.
From me you will gain no respite,
for my strength is in the Lord.

Send me forth, my King!
I am eager for the war!


  1. This is amazing, sweetheart. Absolutely inspiring. Truly a battle-cry for Christ.

  2. I think we could use a few more swords about the Cross.
