Personal Psalms

Junior Year (I think) of college began with me reluctant to return to a life of ministry and sacrifice. I didn't know what God wanted me to do but I was pretty sure that I was too weak to do it. Anyway, during Adoration, words (in my mind) just began to pour out. Everything that I was feeling: all my fear and weakness and feelings of inadequacy. After I had emotionally unloaded on God, different movements started taking place in my soul, movements that inspired resolution, courage, and a willingness to serve. I wrote down both what I felt before and after this cathartic experience took place and thus my Personal Psalms were born. Since I arrived at college my appreciation and love for the Psalms has been growing. There is a Psalm for just about any emotion you can be feeling, any situation you can be facing. If you want to pray and have no idea how to begin, I've found that the Psalms are an amazing place to start talking to God. I suppose this is why after that experience I began writing down in form of the Psalms what I was saying to God and more importantly what he was saying back. While nowhere near David's skill and eloquence, they are very real records of situations I have faced and emotions I have felt. I hope they, in some way, serve God and give glory to his name.

  1. A Soul Divided
  2. Prayer of an Afflicted One
  3. Hunger
  4. Prepare for Battle
  5. Let Go
  6. Prayer of One Burdened
  7. Battle Weariness
  8. God's Warrior
  9. Prayer of the Penitent
  10. The Love of the Father
  11. Praise in All Things