Monday, September 20, 2010

Prayer of One Burdened

My heart is aching, dearest Lord.
At night I water it with my tears,
at day I feed it with my sorrows.
Will you remain far off forever, Lord?

Do you not hear me crying in distress?
How long has this burden been upon my soul!
I have sought to lift it without success, my strength is not enough.
I have sought the aid of others, but they cannot help or will not.

I turn to you, oh God. You alone can help me.
Will you not aid me,
comfort me in my sorrow?

This burden is so great that I can barely speak, barely move.
Alone I sink beneath its weight, struggling for every breath.
My cries come out as panting gasps.
How can I endure this, my Lord?
How much longer will this burden afflict my heart?

Yet if this is your will, Oh God, who am I to stand against it?
Who am I to question the ways of the Lord?
Truly it is by his grace that I walk or move at all.
Every step, every rise after every fall is by his power.
In my misery his strength sustains me.

Though the Lord appears far off, how can I trust my senses,
The senses of a weak and human body?
Will they tell me that the Lord is present,
or the purpose of this burden?
No, but faith shall tell me the purpose of my sorrows,
shall tell me where the Lord is in my distress.

He is in me, lifting me, aiding me to walk.
He allows my burden that I might turn to him all the more for succor in my troubles.
Therefore, though my heart aches and this burden weighs upon my soul
I will not despair.
Sorrow shall never speak the last when God is at my side.

1 comment:

  1. This prose is very inspirational to me. I delight how you quote last "Sorrow shall never speak the last when God is at my side."

    I can easy incorporate what drives my writing at the moment but the few times it involves Christ has been miraculous to me. Writing as much as I do; I feel guilty when I see how the days in my life I have not been Christ centered and it brings me much sorrow but I know my faith is great and I have such a passion to have him in not just my life, but words.

    Thank you through Christ for having so many writings through Christ and for him and his children!
