Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Battle Weariness

in times where it seems the battle cannot go on

Lord, I have been abandoned,
my friends are nowhere in sight.
Far off are any who might help me,
alone I stand against the forces of evil.

I stand alone against a sea of foes.
Even you have left me, my God.
My God, why have you forsaken me?
Why have you left me to struggle on my own?

My sword is notched, my shield riven, spear splintered.
My helm is dented and my armor battered.
I am weary in body and soul,
yet still my foes press in around me.

How long have I been fighting?
When will I gain respite?
When will I feel again the strength of the Lord,
and his love which upholds me?

Fighting constantly I long for peace.
Battle after battle wearies me.
How can I continue fighting,
if I am deprived of the strength of the Lord?

Yet still I live, in spite of battle,
in spite of many trials.
And as I live, then I am supported.
For only do I fight by the grace of God,
only by his strength do I lift notched sword and riven shield,
to continue the battle in his service.

Therefore, though my heart, soul, and body are weary,
I will press on in joyful service to the Lord.
Though my throat is dry and hoarse,
and all my tears are spent,
I will let forth a joyful battle cry,
singing a song of victory to my God.

1 comment:

  1. wow, this song makes me cry. For the past month I tried writing about how no matter how close the Lord hung onto me and I hung onto the Lord's arms I felt like I was getting caught up in a tornado and having waves crashing down. I have been beat down by an emotionally abusive relationship and when I call people everyone abandons. Even my brother whom said would always be there. My mother was too busy, my father out of state and my sister there a bit. WOW! Your song is amazing. My favorite part of it is when you quote "I will press on Joyful service to the Lord." That part is wonderful because I would go through a thousand trails and pain to be with Jesus, Mother Mary, and all the Saints on earth- as well as in heaven. I am thankful to read it in JESUS CHRIST and MOTHER MARY'S name!!!!!
