Friday, January 14, 2011

There is a King

What is a king with no crown,
or one who has no throne?

What is a king with no scepter in his hands,
with royal cloth upon his back?

What king has no palace,
or armies to follow him to war?

What king has no treasure stored,
and fanfare for his arrival?

There is a King who had no crown but thorns,
his throne a wooden cross.

There is a King who's hands
held nails instead of scepter.

There is a King who's royal cloth
were scourge marks on his back.

There is a King who was thrown from his city,
who had no army, for his followers abandoned him.

There is a King who had no treasure.
What he did have was divided.

There is a king who's fanfare
was the jeering of his executioners.

This King died a death unfit for any king.
Yet since he died he won his kingdom.

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